Abgarm waterfall

آبشار آبگرم کلات

Abgarm waterfall

Views : 808 بازدید


Abgarm waterfall(village of abgarm) :

 To go to the waterfall of abgarm should be about 75 km to the north east of Mashhad. In fact, pass through the Imamzadeh Seyyed, Mohammadieh village, the village of Gujgi and Kalat Mineral water and cross the tunnel and go one way and enter the path. Which goes to the hot water and travels to the village asphalt. After arriving in the village, you have to park the car and from there you will walk about 6 km to the waterfall, which goes along the way to the old caravanserai of Shah Abbas Safavi, and then you can see the waterfall of Kalat.

روستای آب گرم کلات


روستای آب گرم کلات

روستای آب گرم کلات


روستای آب گرم کلات

The height of the waterfall of abgarm is about 18-20 m, and the water of the waterfall is about 30-35 ° C. Therefore, it is called the waterfall, and the pool of the waterfall of Kalat is suitable for watering, and of course, the waterfall of the Kalat Waterfall is slightly higher It is about a few kilometers from the waterfall itself and from the bottom of the summit (ghizchi). The Kalat waterfall is surrounded by mountains of Anjirk, mountains and small mills, and the spa valley leads to the altitudes of the exchangers.

روستای آب گرم کلات

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